Duxbury & Gloucester

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Gwendolyn is a student at Stambridge University, and all she wants to do with her life is help people. As the daughter of the man in control of the world's most powerful charity, she is positioned perfectly for her wishes…

... Travel with Gwendolyn through this wildly absurd story as she meets some of the richest and most selfless individuals in the world—and their polar opposites.

Lift the veil on the self-dealings of your trusted elites as the girl grapples with the challenge of growing up and finding her rightful place in this rarefied world.

Struggle with Gwendolyn as she endures heartbreaking tragedy and commits herself to decrypting the rituals of the protective Gordian knot of deception woven by the mongers of morality within charity, government, big business, and the university.

This deeply satirical take on the world of the privileged is a serious and thought-provoking book, packed with facts and surreal extrapolations that form a truly cautionary tale for our time. Future archaeologists of the communal psyche will study this novel for its illumination of many disturbing realities occluded from our perception by our own good nature.

If you do not laugh as you read, check your intellect. If you do not cry, worry about your humanity.

Ask yourself as you follow Gwendolyn's story: Yes, you care, but how different are you? And what will you do to change this world?